Gift cards #
In this guide, we will guide you through the printing of gift cards. Get a statistical overview of your issued gift cards in Sapera.
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How do I create a printout of gift cards? #
1. from Shop Manager access “Gift Cards & Rewards” -> “Gift Cards”.
2. From the Gift Card page, you can tap the printer icon in the top right corner.
3. Select the “Gift card” printout
4. Fill in the fields (The fields are described below)
5. Tap the print format you want to print in.
Description of the criteria #
Per date: Select the date from which the printout should show gift card data.
Sold after d.: Selecting the date in this field will show gift cards sold after the selected date.
Movement from: xxx
Movement to: xxx
Used: Choose between “No”, “Yes” or “Not selected”. Not selected will show both used and unused gift cards. So “Not selected” will show all issued gift cards.
Read our guide on gift cards #
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